Greater Kansas City Bike Repair

*****This just in Mechanic Matt returns to real working world!***

Sorry folks, no more wrenching. I am willing to help those who already know about me and that I have provided service to, but beyond that I am out of the garage bike repair business. What remains here is now a blog about bikes from some guy named Matt that lives in KC. If you care, read on, if you don't, move on. Yes I thought that I would start a bike store in Mission, KS and a new employer hired me just before I signed papers, so sorry folks. Take care and happy trails.

-The Management

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1984 Trek 500 Ratrod

Well I finished the Trek 500 I have been working on and thought I would share some pictures. It took some cleaning, greasing, and repairing and the bike is as much done as I am going to make it. Maybe if I get time I will start taking off the reflective tape on the rims, or maybe not. I literally took all parts off, greased all bearings, removed all rust that I could, replaced the worn out parts, and put on new tires, tubes, brake pads, cables, housing, cork grip, and new to the bike chain and seat.

The ride is every bit what lugged steel should feel like, just real nice, long ride comfortable. Kind of cool ratrod, cafe racer styling. Frame has been serial confirmed to being built in May 1984 and built with Reynolds 501 tubing. Just a thicker version of Reynolds 531. Take a look at the pictures and feel free to get in touch with any questions. Bike will be up for sale in March and frame is a size 22" (57cm).







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