Greater Kansas City Bike Repair

*****This just in Mechanic Matt returns to real working world!***

Sorry folks, no more wrenching. I am willing to help those who already know about me and that I have provided service to, but beyond that I am out of the garage bike repair business. What remains here is now a blog about bikes from some guy named Matt that lives in KC. If you care, read on, if you don't, move on. Yes I thought that I would start a bike store in Mission, KS and a new employer hired me just before I signed papers, so sorry folks. Take care and happy trails.

-The Management

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obligitory Pictures of the Shop

Since everyone always posts the action photos of their spacious shop, here is mine. Notice that it is not spacious. I'm working on that (very slowly). Key item: anti-fatigue mat.

Side view of the work bench. Key item: Grandpa's refurbished vise.

My new old fan, keeps me cool enough to work. A couple of weeks ago though it just felt like an electric fan heater. Key item: my new old fan.

Waiting area for the patients.

Those two bins and that pile of tires are all the spare parts that I have. So no I probably don't have that rare Sturmey-Archer 28 hole hub laced to purple Velocity rims, but I do have an industrial size bottle of Aqua Net and I know what to use it for (Jeopardy answer: What is grips?). All of my repair parts will typically come from the local bike store and I only charge you what I am charged for them.

I just wanted to say thanks to all that have stopped by thus far, and if you do want to leave comments do so by clicking on the "comments" word at the end of any blog post.

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